The steering wheel was very corroded and cracked, and the slightest moisture on ones hands (like when your palms sweat from the excitement of racing down narrow country lanes at 150km/h in a Series Landy.... Er, not...!) results in the steering wheel disintegrating slightly and leaving your hands black and slimy (delightful!). Whilst it was tempting to buy a new or refurbished wheel, I was keen to restore the old one.
After sanding the wheel down, I gave it a thickish coat of mild steel primer. After smoothing out the bumps (mostly from a lousy spray job - still haven’t mastered that department!), I gave it a couple coats of black finishing 2k, a 2000 grit water paper, and a final coat of 2k gloss clear. I also resprayed the centre cover (although the original Series 3 cover has a rough finish, I went with a smooth gloss finish like a Series 1 as I felt it looks better). The result was amazing, IMHO.